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Frequently Asked Questions

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What Can I Expect?

From the moment you arrive you'll be greeted by people who are genuinely happy to see you. Sunday services are designed to be enjoyed, and not endured, offering Bible-based messages that are engaging and relevant to people today. It's a casual and friendly environment where everyone is welcome, and everyone can belong.

When and Where Do You Meet?

Join us on Sundays at 9:45 am for our family-friendly church service, or come along to an event. You can find us at 1528 Davis Drive, Cary North Carolina 27519.

Car Parking?

Ample parking adjacent to the church.

When Was The Church Founded?

Founded in 1865, Pleasant Grove Church has a long and fruitful history. Just scroll down to the section:

This Is Pleasant Grove

What Is The Music Like?

A mixture of contemporary gospel and traditional selection.

Length of Sunday Services?

Usually 75 to 90 minutes as lead by the Holy Spirit.

What Do I Wear?

We want you to feel at ease and wear whatever you're comfortable in. We usually dress Jesus casual.

Can I Volunteer?

There are plenty of opportunities to serve others and make a difference. Please visit our Volunteer To Serve page.

Do You Offer Communion?

We offer communion on the first Sunday of each month and on special occasions to all baptized believers who are ready and willing to participate.

The Bible states you must be a believer and should examine yourself before participating in communion.

1 Corinthians 11:27
Sunday Morning Bible Study?

We offer various Sunday Bible Study classes where you can learn more about the Bible and how it applies to your life. These classes meet from 8:15 am - 9:15 am at the church and online via Zoom.

What Denomination Are You?

We are a blended non-denominational Christian Church. Members of our congregation come from different religious backgrounds. As a non-denominational church no one person holds authority over or makes decisions for the congregation. Our church policy empowers the congregation to make decisions on behalf of the church.

How Can I Meet New People?

There are lots of ways to meet new people at Pleasant Grove. You can join a Connection Group near you, check out our Events page for opportunities to get involved, or visit this Sunday and hang out after service to chat. We'd love to meet you.

What Do You Believe?

A statement of faith can be found on our About Us page. Just scroll down to the section:

This Is Pleasant Grove

What If I Have More Questions?

All inquiries welcome. Please Contact Us or speak to a member of our friendly hospitality team during Sunday church services.

Wednesday Night Bible Study?

We have Wednesday Night Bible Study Class offering an interactive learning experience with life applications. This class meets from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the church and online via Zoom.

Can I Bring My Kids To Church?
We Welcome Families with Children

As a parent, where your children are during Worship is your choice. We also recognize church services designed for adults are sometimes challenging for the children. We love children and want the time they spend in church to be their best.

We have designed services and experiences with various Children and Youth classes to uniquely meet their needs. We welcome your children to sit in the sanctuary with you and we also welcome you to take your children to the designated classes during worship service.

  1. Nursery serves infants and toddlers from newborn to five years of age supervised by trained volunteers during Worship Service.
  2. Family Room where families may view the Service together in a quiet setting.
  3. Grove Kids worship service on 2nd and 4th Sundays for children ages 6-12 years old led by our Youth Director and volunteers.
  4. Grove Teens worship service on 2nd and 4th Sundays for children ages 13-18 years old led by our Youth Director and volunteers.
How Do I Join Pleasant Grove?
4 Ways To Join Pleasant Grove Church

Salvation You are ready to decide for Jesus Christ to be your Savior, forgive you of your sins, and become Lord of your life and to follow that decision with baptism.

Baptism Baptism through immersion follows salvation and symbolize Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.

Letter Bringing a letter from a previous church; person has been baptized by immersion and is saved.

Watchcare A baptized believer temporarily away from home church and in need of a place to worship and continue to grow spiritually.

Reverend Dr. John D. Perry II

Senior Pastor, Pleasant Grove Church

Pleasant Grove Church

1528 Davis Drive
Cary, North Carolina 27519
Copyright ©
Pleasant Grove Church
All Rights Reserved

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